Still on leave, now its a torn calf muscle, but with yesterday being the last of the good weather this week i limped/hobbled and dragged myself into the boat for a fish.
Hit up the local for a mixed catch of flathead, flounder, bream and 3 cracker whiting, all on the prongs.
Home for lunch and couldnt be bothered taking the boat off, so headed up to Scarby for an afternoon fish with bait. Another mixed bag of Bream, Tailor, Cod and some under Squire. Had a big old cod about 3 foot long sitting under the boat in 8 foot of water eating any of the bream that I was to slow netting, that was funny on 10lb line.
No pics, just a nice day, prob shouldnt have gone, leg looks like Ive got a dose of elephantitis now, but oh well.