So I had four days off work and felt like a campfire and a fish and just some time in the great outdoors, so I contacted TB to see if he was interested in joining me and he came back in the positive. Chewy's recommended camp ground at baffle creek was the venue. It's a 5 hour trip up the road but a real getaway from it all place with potential of good fishing.
i picked up Mr. Buster 9am Tuesday morning and we hitched his boat on and headed north, had an uneventful trip, with a stop for a lunch of bacon and egg sandwich and a coffee at the half way point. Arrived at two and set up a great camp, but wind was a little strong, but it was forecast to drop off over the next day. So the rest of the day was spent hydrating. And early to bed.
Tuesday bought more wind, about 15-20 kn, but we were on the water by 5am, a time my body is still in hibernation, but I took a bullet for the team and solidered on. We peppered every rock bar and snag that looked promising with no interest whatsoever. Explored a small creek on the southern side of the creek near the mouth, same again, no result. So returned to camp for a fine breakfast and I intended having a bit of a sleep, but time ran out, and we needed to hydrate for the upcoming afternoon session. Before we new it it was about 3pm and we desided we better go an smash some jacks. As it turned out the afternoon session was far improved fishing wise, tackle buster subdued 30 cm cod and I got what I'm sure was a bream bite. Back before dark and into a great steak dinner and more hydration with beer stout and rum.